Comedy in 1 Act
Comedy full of absurdity and intricate storyline, where young men knit a web of thousand lies for their loved ones, where a young man can suddenly turn into Donna Rosa, where the young man dressed as Donna Rosa can charm a colonel, who, in turn, can receive a visit from his first love, Donna Rosa, who is an aunt to the friend of the Colonel’s son, the aunt, whose dress is on the friend of his son who, in turn, is helping his friends to reunite with their loved ones.
Director: Kakha Gogidze
Director of the Renewal: Andrea Vachridze
Set Design: Anuka Murvanidze
Costumes Design: Tsitsi Tsitskhvaia
Musical Arrangement: Arsen Migriauli
Choreographer: Sophie Gvritishvili
Technical Director: Natia Samadashvili
T H E C A S T:
Colonel Francis Chesney – Zuka Gabunia, Luka Akhaladze
Jackie Chesney, his son – George Shavgulidze
Charley Wykehem – David Davituliani
Babbs Babberley – Andrea Vachridze
Criggs, Judge – David Velijanashvili
Annie, his niece – Natia Kvashali, Mariam Nadiradze, Nuka Kevkhishvili
Betty, his ward – Marita Janashia
Donna Rosa d’Alvadorez, Charley’s Aunt – Maka Shalikashvili
Ela Delahey, her ward – Annie Talakvadze, Mariam Khukhunashvili
Brassett, valet – Nikusha Gogidze, Gaga Arabuli
Performance was staged through financial support of Tbilisi Centre of Cultural Events
Duration: 90 minutes without intermission
First Performance: 27 May 2016