Tiny Giant

Irakli Samsonadze, Director: Anna Gogishvili








A Not So Funny Comedy in 1 Act

Can we totally forget the past? What will happen in the future, if we say no to the major values? What happens to us when we declare war to the past, the present and the vague future? When we forget our childhood, village, where we grew up, our grandfather who smoked a pipe and the pipe which slowly turns into ashes in our memory? Do you know how to help our child, a “tiny giant”, who is sleeping and sleeping and spleeping…

Author: Irakli Samsonadze
Director: Anna Gogishvili
Set and Costume Designers: Anna Bedeladze, Elene Megrelishvili
Animation Designer: Nina Gvasalia
Photo: Sophie Khundadze
Poster: Tamar Samkharadze
Technical Director: Natia Samadashvili

The Cast:
Giorgi Chachua
Aniko Shurgaia

The Performance was staged through he financial support of the Tbilisi Municipality

The Duration of the Performance 70 minutes
First Performance 3 June 2023

  • Phot Gallery
  • Video Gallery